Healthy dynamics of CD4 T cells may drive HIV resurgence in perinatally-infected infants on antiretroviral therapy

In 2019 there were 490,000 children under five living with HIV. Understanding the dynamics of HIV suppression and rebound in this age group is crucial to optimizing treatment strategies and increasing the likelihood of infants achieving and …

Quantifying the dynamics of HIV decline in perinatally-infected neonates on antiretroviral therapy

**Background**: Mathematical modeling has provided important insights into HIV infection dynamics in adults undergoing antiretroviral treatment (ART). However, much less is known about the corresponding dynamics in perinatally-infected neonates …

ushr: Understanding suppression of HIV in R

**Background**: HIV/AIDS is responsible for the deaths of one million people every year. Although mathematical modeling has provided many insights into the dynamics of HIV infection, there is still a lack of accessible tools for researchers …